Parks, Lookouts and Tourist Hotspots

There are 47 national parks in Norway. Having the Ånderdalen National Park on the island of Senja makes all the difference! Nearly 85% of Norwegian national parks are made up of steep mountain peaks. But in Senja the park is basically flat, which facilitates your unforgettable journey. The park is located in the south of […]
Vilarejos e Praias em Senja

Senja é repleta de vilarejos tradicionais e encantadores que nos dão a impressão de terem saído de um conto de fadas. De repente somos transportados diretamente para uma fábula com casas pitorescas de madeira e seus telhados cobertos de grama, pequenos comércios, cafés e restaurantes rústicos com aromas deliciosos. E quando nos deparamos com um […]
Villages and Beaches in Senja

Senja is full of traditional and charming villages that give us the impression that they came out of a fairy tale. Suddenly we are transported directly to a fable with picturesque wooden houses and their grassy roofs, small shops, cafes and rustic restaurants with delicious aromas. And when we come across a complete village surrounded […]